A Festive Season Message about Trust and Communication – by Rose Chaplin VCS – More Time for YOU

As a founding member of VAASA I would like to wish you all a wonderful festive season, full of Trust and Good Wishes.  We are excited about the positive response VAASA is experiencing and welcome all members, new and not so new!  We look forward to the positive growth of VAASA and of course, all our Virtual Assistant members, growing into an Association members are proud to be part of and can trust to be supported – whether you are a Virtual Assistant or someone who requires a Virtual Assistant.

As you know from our website www.vaasa.co.za part of the Virtual Assistant of South Africa’s mission is to ensure and promote quality in the virtual / remote administrative profession through developing ethical standards of practice and excellence. Amongst other things, it is our mission to assist our members to operate their Virtual Assistant practices more efficiently and profitably by providing education and benefits to promote the entrepreneurial work ethic, strengthen their wealth creating capacity, and enhance general economic development.

The Virtual Assistants Association of South Africa (VAASA) Core Values are to respect the diversity, dignity and values of all individuals. To use “Integrity” in our dealings with clients, colleagues, vendors, and others. To work with a “collaborative” attitude and manner. To provide an “accountable” service that is transparent.  To adhere to the highest “ethical standards”.

All of this creates TRUST amongst us a Virtual Assistants and the public, with whom we work with and for.  The noun for the word ‘Trust’ means reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety etc. of a person (or thing – you can trust your car after a service).  It is to have confident expectations of something or someone.

We can TRUST each other to adhere to VAASA objectives and therefore we can TRUST each other that, no matter what, we have the same values and our main goal is to offer the utter best we can to our clients.

A way of building trust is to communicate openly.   There can be no decent business without trust and to build trust it is imperative that there is communication.

Found online, the meaning of Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning “to share”) is the act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules.

Open communication is essential for building trust.  Ideally COMMUNICATE with clients, peers and the general public, in an open, transparent way. Communication is KEY to building a relationship and to adhering to values.

As a Virtual Assistant you know there are many means of communication.  You may find you are too busy to talk on the phone, however a simple WhatsApp, email or skype message can prevent the person “on the other side” beginning to feel left out, excluded, frustrated or ignored. Ever had that feeling that the ‘goal posts have been moved again’ i.e. something discussed and decided on has now changed without your knowledge?  Lack of communication.

You may be unused to discussing decisions with a VA client, partner or a collaborator.  I am sure you have all met that person/people who are so used to making their own decisions, doing their own thing their way, that they feel it unnecessary to discuss decisions and actions with you.  You may even feel your decision is best, and perhaps it is.  The secret to building trust in a situation like this to REMEMBER TO COMMUNICATE.

The secret is to allow all parties to talk about their thoughts, to discuss options (even if you feel you know best). This empowers all parties.  This enables us all to feel a part of something.  This is one of the objective of VAASA – that we are a Virtual Assistant community and that goes for ALL Virtual Assistants, whether you are established, thinking about it or just beginning your Virtual Assistant journey.  We thank you for choosing VAASA to assist you to be your best. Remember, communication is key and remember also,  our one-on-one consultations we offer all members.  Pop us an email when you have a moment info@vaasa.co.za and let us know your thoughts.  Wishing you all a Fabulous Festive Season, take care, be safe.