Work on your Business and not in your Business

Member Blog Feature : SS VA by Samantha

So this phrase has been repeated a few times to me in the last week as I attended some entrepreneurial talks and meeting with like minded business owners.

So what does it actually mean ……….

I would think it means to not focus on the admin and marketing, but to rather focus on our business. So I would start with setting Goals and attaching deadlines, then finding someone to assist you with the vision and mission of your business which is best done by a professional unless this is what you are good at doing.

Then I would research or find a company who can direct you where best to find your new clients and grow your business and if your business is meeting after meeting then hire someone to manage your calls, and setup all your meetings and confirm them or change them around if things change. This would not only come across as being professional but you would be so focused on your meeting at hand and not having to worry about if the next meeting is still going to happen or googling where to go.

Your day would be so much more productive by having someone in the background managing your day and then your emails by replying to them during the day instead of having a delayed response that evening and perhaps losing out on the opportunity. Having someone preparing a quote while you are out on the road and knowing that your new potential client has the quote sent to them before end of day. If you provide a service then your assistant can send your client the invoice and manage the payment while you see your next client which is surely working on your business and not in your business?

All start up companies or small business have little to no budget or cash flow so having someone only work in your business when there is a client to deal with is allowing to have the money to pay them for the adhoc help given. When it comes to managing calls, you can be billed per minute so it is easier to manage the budget. We are in a time where many apps and software come free of charge if you use the basics such as Voom, Trello, Slack, Waveapps and so on. This will once again reduce your costs of your business when cash flow is tight and then rather have someone managing your admin at a small fee.
I personally have a passion to help others grow and be a success in what they do as this will only reflect good on me to know I had a small part in making that happen.

I hope that my passion and dedication will stand out when working with me and me helping to work in your business while you work on your business.

For further information on Samantha and her Virtual Assistant business please visit our members page.